What’s New
67. v7.2 (Oct 25, 2024)
- Redesigned app UI (now follows more material guidelines)
- Exporting files (except APK’S) now targets Downloads folder.
- Removed deprecated code as much as possible
- Updated build tools and dependencies.
- Updated translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
66. v7.1 (Jan 22, 2024)
- Migrated to latest Shizuku version
- Fixed possible crashes while searching.
- Updated build tools and dependencies.
- Added Hebrew and updated other translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
65. v7.0 (May 17, 2023)
- Fixed crashes due to some certificates not loading.
- Updated build tools and dependencies.
- Updated arabic translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
64. v6.9 (May 01, 2023)
- Visually improved package info page.
- App now uses material 3 DayNight theme.
- Updated build tools & dependencies.
- Updated translations from POEditor.
- Miscellaneous changes.
63. v6.8 (February 20, 2023)
- App now shows better progress for various tasks (including main UI loading).
- Improved handling APK’s and app bundles.
- Fixed few other bugs and crashes.
- Updated translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
62. v6.7 (December 12, 2022)
- Allow tweaking permissions on Root or Shizuku supported devices.
- Improved APK picker.
- Improved manifest view.
- Updated translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
61. v6.6 (July 09, 2022)
- Integrated with Shizuku API.
- Improved APK installer.
- Improved reload option.
- Added Arabic and updated other translations.
- Updated build tools.
- Miscellaneous changes.
60. v6.5 (July 09, 2022)
- Added an option to manually reload app list.
- Improved APK explorer file manager.
- Improved app bundle handling.
- Updated translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
59. v6.4 (June 08, 2022)
- Fixed crashing app when changing app theme.
- Improved APK picker.
- Updated translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
58. v6.3 (May 03, 2022)
- Fixed crashing on batch exporting apps.
- Miscellaneous changes.
57. v6.2 (May 01, 2022)
- App now allow directly pick & install APK files from SDCard.
- Improved storage permission management.
- Exporting apps and app details now append version code with file name.
- Batch options now display number of selected apps.
- Added Italian Translation & updated other translation.
- Miscellaneous changes.
56. v6.1 (February 22, 2022)
- Removed “All files” permission from Google Play version.
- Exported Apps: Added “Save To Downloads” option for Google Play version.
- Updated Russian translation.
- Miscellaneous changes.
55. v6.0 (January 30, 2022)
- Fixed APK installer crashing in Android S.
- Added new back option in file manager.
- Updated build tools and dependencies.
- Updated translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
54. v5.9 (December 18, 2021)
- Fixed some issues related with file picking in Android R.
- App will now monitor & prompt to report crashes.
- Some titles are updated for better clarity.
- Miscellaneous changes.
53. v5.8 (November 26, 2021)
- Fixed crashes on Installer/Exported apps page on API 29.
- Miscellaneous changes.
52. v5.7 (November 24, 2021)
- Improved some layouts.
- Enhance Permissions page.
- Added Brand-New credits page.
- Update translation request.
- Miscellaneous changes.
51. v5.6 (November 15, 2021)
- Package manager now target Android 12.
- Replaced almost all the deprecated functions with the supported ones.
- Internal improvements.
- Updated translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
50. v5.5 (October 28, 2021)
- Improved and fixed sorting Exported Apps page.
- Fixed crashing when attempting to open certain apps.
- Update gradle plugin to latest.
- Removed ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission from app.
- Updated translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
49. v5.4 (October 10, 2021)
- Exported Apps: Added searching & sorting option.
- Moved uninstall with ADB in to a separate page.
- Package Manager now supports uninstalling the local updates of system apps.
- Updated translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
48. v5.3 (September 15, 2021)
- Package Manager now allows restoring the factory version of uninstalled system apps (root-only feature).
- Added a new installer instructions page.
- Removed external file managers support for good reasons.
- Largely improved APK/app bundle installation and uninstalling.
- App settings has now a better layout and more options.
- UI changes mainly for consistency.
- Fixed language switch not working.
- Updated translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
47. v5.2 (September 10, 2021)
- Improved UI & functionalities of in-built file picker.
- Added more certificate related data.
- Added options to export app (individual & batch) details as JSON file.
- Largely improved batch options.
- Updated translations.
- Several other UI changes suggested by users.
46. v5.1 (August 29, 2021)
- Fixed app sorting option.
- Added more sorting (by APK size, installation, and update time) options.
- Fixed a minor issue in Split APK Installation.
- Fixed batch exporting issues in certain devices and situations.
45. v5.0 (August 29, 2021)
- App now shows a one-rime welcome page on the first app launch.
- App will now show an “Open” button after a successful installation session.
- Replaced deprecated AsyncTask used throughout the app with Executor.
- Updated translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
44. v4.9 (July 20, 2021)
- Moved “Select All” option to Batch menu.
- Implemented batch uninstall option for non-root devices (need separate confirmation by user).
- Improved Package info page.
- Updated Polish locale.
- Miscellaneous changes.
43. v4.8 (July 10, 2021)
- Improve case-sensitivity while searching.
- Fixed crashing on certain situations.
- Properly monitoring uninstalling user apps.
- Added Polish locale and updated others.
- Miscellaneous changes.
42. v4.7 (June 15, 2021)
- Improve permission handling.
- Added “Select all” option.
- Redirected exported items path into /sdcard/Package_Manager” if “All files Permission” is granted.
- Updated Chinese & Turkish locale.
- Miscellaneous changes.
41. v4.6 (May 31, 2021)
- App will now target latest Android SDK.
- Now built using latest Gradle plugin.
- Updated Chinese (traditional & simplified) translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
40. v4.5 (May 03, 2021)
- Re-organized and improved code.
- Now built using latest Gradle plugin.
- Added Portuguese and hungarian translations.
- Updated German, Spanish, Vietnamese & Turkish translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
39. v4.4 (April 01, 2021)
- Improved Manifest and text view layouts.
- Added APK/Bundle size to Package Details page.
- Improved app searching.
- Updated Czech, Spanish, Vietnamese & Russian translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
38. v4.3 (March 24, 2021)
- Updated Czech, Spanish, French, Turkish, Vietnamese & Chinese simplified translations.
- Improved sorting apps by package name.
- Improved documentation and linked to app.
- Miscellaneous changes.
37. v4.2 March 17, 2021)
- Added Operations (AppOps) page with enable/disable options (root-only).
- Improved app searching.
- Updated Turkish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Ukrainian, and Malayalam translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
36. v4.1 (March 14, 2021)
- Renamed (to more appropriate “Exported Apps”) and enhanced downloads page.
- Improved in-built file picker.
- Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) and Turkish translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
35. v4.0 (March 14, 2021)
- Added tabs at page top to easily switch app types.
- Added Downloads page to easily manage APK’s/bundles.
- Updated Chinese, French, German and Turkish translations.
- Fixed language names in Settings page.
- Miscellaneous changes.
34. v3.9 (March 09, 2021)
- Added Manifest page to Package Info.
- Package Explorer will now handle binary xml files.
- Added app certificate information to Package Info page.
- Fixed layout issues happened on some pages in landscape mode.
- Switched to blue (Pixel) accent color.
- Updated Turkish translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
33. v3.8 (March 06, 2021)
- Largely improved Split APK Installation with a Brand New installer view.
- Split APK installer now always proceed non-root method.
- Improved app bundle detection.
- App will now export app bundles as a single apkm file.
- App will now allow to share bundles after exporting.
- Updated Ukrainian translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
32. v3.7 (March 03, 2021)
- Improved package explorer.
- App will now load (and also allowed to save) app icon when clicking the icon on each entry.
- Added Czech, Spanish, Vietnamese, & Chinese translations.
- Updated French, German & Russian translations.
- Improved language switch on Settings page.
- Credits are now moved as a separate entry into Settings page.
- Miscellaneous changes.
31. v3.6 (February 26, 2021)
- Split APK installation will now work on non-rooted devices.
- App will now use own file picker (by default: configurable in Settings) for split apk installation.
- Updated Turkish translations.
- Fixed possible crashes on Permission and Activity page.
- Miscellaneous changes.
30. v3.5 (February 23, 2021)
- Added activity page to Package info.
- Updated app explorer to avoid possible crashes.
- Fixed minor issues in light mode.
- Added documentation to Settings page and welcome dialog.
- Added German & Turkish translations.
- Updated Russian translation.
- Miscellaneous changes.
29. v3.4 (February 20, 2021)
- Partly re-designed app UI and menu options.
- More options are added to package details page.
- Split APK Installer now handles “apkm” bundles (root-only).
- App now allow exporting individual split apks.
- Improved app exploring.
- Added French translations.
- Updated Korean translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
28. v3.3 (February 14, 2021)
- Batch APK (not Bundle) exports now work on non-rooted devices.
- Fixed some layout issues.
- Improved split apk installation.
- Miscellaneous changes.
27. v3.2 (February 13, 2021)
- Initial support to explore and export contents of APK files.
- Updated storage permission for latest android versions.
- APK/Bundle exports now work on non-rooted devices.
- Moved top pop-up menu items into a new Settings page.
- Updated Russian, Ukrainian & Malayalam translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
26. v3.1 (January 31, 2021)
- Package Manager now supports installing .apks and .xapk bundles.
- Removed backup and restore app data (too buggy).
- Temporarily fix storage related issues on Android 11.
- Added installed & last updated information to Package Details page.
- Miscellaneous changes.
25. v3.0 (January 16, 2021)
- Updated overall app to use material libraries.
- App will now show a supporter badge for those who supported development.
- Updated Russian & Ukraine translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
24. v2.9 (November 13, 2020)
- Completely removed Ads from the app.
- Switched to use Material Alert Dialogs.
- Added donation option.
- Miscellaneous changes.
23. v2.8 (November 07, 2020)*
- Option to reset (individual & batch) apps.
- Updated Russian & Ukraine translations.
22. v2.7 (October 25, 2020)
- Improved batch processing.
- Updated build tools.
21. v2.6 (October 13, 2020)
20. v2.5 (October 12, 2020)
- Re-built from (nearly) scratch.
- Added Brand-New progress view.
- Sort apps by package id by default (much more responsive).
- Search by app name (instead of package id).
- Improved app sorting.
- App should be much more response now.
- Updated Russian & Ukrainian translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
19. v2.4 (September 28, 2020)
- Brand new package details view.
- Largely improved app interface.
- About and change-logs are now in a single place.
- Updated Russian & Ukrainian translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
18. v2.3 (September 05, 2020)
- Fixed a bug on app closing when search word is entered.
17. v2.2 (September 03, 2020)
- Slightly improved app searching.
- Improved AdView and layout.
- Removed copyright text.
- Miscellaneous changes.
16. v2.1 (August 29, 2020)
- Updated about dialog.
- Updated libsu to v3.0.2.
- Updated gradle build tools.
- Miscellaneous changes.
15. v2.0 (June 14, 2020)
- Updated description view (now more beautiful).
- Added an Auto-Mode (default) to app theme.
- Updated gradle build tools.
- Miscellaneous changes.
14. v1.9 (June 09, 2020)
- Added option to sort apps by OEM.
- Fixed minor issues for About & Change-logs view.
- Updated Russian and Ukrainian translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
13. v1.8 (May 17, 2020)
- Brand New About & Change-log view.
- Updated Korean translations (Credits: @SmgKhOaRn).
- Miscellaneous changes.
12. v1.7 (May 09, 2020)
- Removed interstitial ads from app.
- Replace toast messages with snackbar.
- Miscellaneous changes.
11. v1.6 (May 07, 2020)
- Added Russian and Ukrainian translations.
- Improved Greek translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
10. v1.5 (May 02, 2020)
- Migrated to libsu (Credits: @Lennoard).
- Improved app UI.
- Moved batch options and app settings to the top description.
- Fixed rarely occurring item duplication.
- Simplified batch app tasks.
- Added a more detailed view for batch options and split apk installation.
- Added Portuguese (Brazilian) translations (Credits: @Lennoard).
- Improved Korean translations (Credits: @SmgKhOaRn).
- Updated malayalam translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
9. v1.4 (March 26, 2020)
- Added option to sort apps by Name (default) & Package ID.
- Fixed creating app folder on Android 10.
- Added Amharic (credits: @Mikesew1320), Greek (credits: @tsiflimagas) and Malayalam (credits: me) translations.
- Improved Korean translations (Credits: @SmgKhOaRn).
- Miscellaneous changes.
8. v1.3 (March 24, 2020)
- Added batch (uninstall/disable/enable/backup) options (root only).
- Overall improvements & code clean-ups.
- Added dark & light themes.
- Added an option to change app language.
- Improved Korean translations (Credits: @SmgKhOaRn).
- Improved split apk installation.
- gradle: Update build tools & dependencies.
- Miscellaneous changes.
7. v1.2 (March 10, 2020)
- Main: Disable Ads if SmartPack Donation Package is installed.
- Misc: Added Korean translations (Credits: @SmgKhOaRn).
- gradle: Update build tools & dependencies.
- Miscellaneous changes.
6. v1.1 (March 04, 2020)
- Main: Implemented option to install Split APK’s (Root-only).
- Main: Fixed exporting app split APK’s.
- gradle: Updated build tools.
- Misc: Slightly updated UI.
- Miscellaneous changes.
5. v1.0 (March 01, 2020)
- Main: Fixed (hopefully) welcome dialogue not showing properly on some devices.
- gradle: Updated build tools.
- Main: Exit app only after pressing back button twice.
- Miscellaneous changes.
4. beta-v0.7 (February 23, 2020)
- Main: Improved App UI.
- Main: Improved coding quality and cleaned un-resourced resources.
- build: gradle: Updated dependencies.
- Misc: Ads: Replaced Banner with a event based Interstitial Ad.
- Miscellaneous changes.
3. beta-v0.6 (February 20, 2020)
- Initial Play-Store release.
2. beta-v0.5 (February 19, 2020)
- Main: Converted into a simple one page App.
- File picking: Updated to work with Documents UI.
- Main: Improved app searching.
- Miscellaneous changes.
1. beta-v0.4 (February 15, 2020)
- First public release of Package Manager, a simple, yet powerful application to manage the apps installed on an android device.